Nothria anoculata Orensanz, 1974
Voucher specimen. LOLIGO: station L3FA; HERO: station 1MFA.
Diagnosis. L3FA fragmented specimen first 10 chaetigers 5.5 mm in length. Anterior three chaetigers enlarged and projecting forward. Long peristomium with relatively short cirri attached anteriorly. Ceratophores of antennae short with three rings. Ventral cirri cirriform from chaetiger 1–3.
Branchiae starting on chaetigers 12–14 (sometimes chaetiger 10), simple.
Hooks of chaetiger 1 and 2 simple, some with slight, raised nub; becoming pseudo-compound bidentate hooks in following chaetigers. Subacicular hooks start on chaetigers 11–13. Palmate chaetae scoop-shaped.
Tube flat made of small stones.
Remarks. Orensanz (1990) commented that many of the taxonomic features are subject to ontogenetic variation, noting that the number of enlarged chaetigers may be less than three in juveniles, and the types of chaetae – he noted that juveniles have pseudo-compound hooks from chaetiger one. The species is widely recorded from the Magellanic and Southern Ocean regions in depths of 75–900 m.