Schistomeringos sp.1
Schistomeringos sp.1
Voucher specimen. SEALION: station 4MFA.
Diagnosis. Small species, voucher whole worm 7mm long with ~56 chaetigers. Rounded prostomium with a pair of short moniliform antennae; palps not observed (damaged?). Parapodia with notopodia represented by a pointed aciculum and neuropodia with a range of chaetae, dorsal cirri relatively long, about as long as parapodia, each with distinct terminal cirrostyle; ventral cirri short with rounded tip, situated toward outer end of parapodia.
Jaws with x-shaped mandibles, and maxillae composed of many elements.
Chaetae composed of capillaries with minute serration along one edge, compound falcigers with blades of varying lengths and bidentate tips, and asymmetric furcate chaetae, prongs widely separated.
Remarks. Distinguishing between the species of this genus is difficult because many of the characters change as the worm grows. Orensanz (1990) suggests that revision of the genus will require understanding how these characters are affected by development.