Eusamythella sexdentata (Hartman, 1967)

Ampharetinae Malmgren, 1866

Eusamythella Hartman, 1971

Eusamythella sexdentata (Hartman, 1967) 

Voucher. TOROA: station T10FB

Diagnosis. Voucher is the only example found in this study; complete specimen; medium sized, slender species, 10mm long and 0.4mm wide. Thorax consists of paleae bearing segment and 14 thoracic chaetigers, of which 12 uncinigers; abdomen with 15 uncinigers. Paleae present, stout, tapering abruptly into asymmetrical tip. Three pairs of branchiae, on a raised ridge (grouped with 1 branchia inserted anteriorly to the other two), two groups of branchiae separated by a small gap; branchial styles smooth, long (with the anteriormost shortest), cylindrical. Raised ridge across dorsum of thoracic chaetiger 2. Notochaetae limbate caplillaries. Abdominal uncinigers without rudimentary notopodia. Pygidium without cirri.

Remarks.  Falkland Island specimens agree well with Eusamythella sexdentata (Hartman, 1967) described from Bransfield Straits, 2119-2562m and also reported from Weddell Sea, 400-659m (Hartman, 1978). 

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith