Eucranta Malmgren, 1866

Polynoinae Kinberg, 1856

Eucranta Malmgren, 1866

Eucranta mollis (McIntosh, 1876)

Voucher. Sea Lion: station 6MFA.

Diagnosis. Voucher is a large, complete but fragmented specimen, anterior fragment 14mm long and 3.5mm wide, for 20 chaetigers; reddish-brown pigmentation on dorsum.

Prostomium bilobed, rounded, cephalic peaks not discerned in voucher specimen, lateral antennae inserted ventrally to median antenna; 2 pairs of small eyes, anterior pair of eyes anteroventral. Antennae and cirri tapering, smooth. Parapodia bi-ramous, neuropodial supra-acicular process short.

Elytral margin and surface smooth, except for patch of conical microtubercles near anterior margin. Tip of upper neurochaetae slender, forceps-like; tip of middle and lower neurochaetae mostly bidentate with stout secondary tooth, few lowermost forceps-like.

Remarks. Falkland Island specimens agree well with Eucranta mollis. This species has been recently revised by Barnich et al. 2012 and we refer readers to this publication for details, including comparison with similar species from the region (E. notialis has not been found in Falkland samples, but given its distribution, it is likely to be present).

Distribution. Antarctic and Magellan regions, the continental slope off the northern coast of Argentina, Falkland Islands.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith