Syllinae sp. 1

Syllinae Rioja, 1925

Syllinae sp. 1

Voucher specimen.  SEA LION: station 19MFA.

Diagnosis. Voucher is a single specimen collected, complete, large and robust specimen in good condition; 45mm long and 3.5mm wide (including parapodia) for about 300 chaetigers; all segments very short (crowded); body in alcohol dark yellow with distinct reddish-brown pigmentation dorsally on about 50 chaetigers (most pronounced on first 30 chaetigers), dorsally cirri also heavily pigmented.

Prostomium pentagonal bearing three antennae and two palps. Palps short (about the same length as prostomium), relatively narrow triangular lobes, basally free from each other. Antennae long, distinctly articulated, positioned anteriorly to eyes; lateral antennae slightly shorter than median antenna. Eyes present, 2 pairs of large purple eyes in trapezoid arrangement (anterior and posterior pairs located very close to each other). Pharynx not everted. First segment achaetous laterally with a pair of long, distinctly articulated tentacular cirri (similar to antenna).

Parapodia uniramous, conical; with long, distinctly articulated dorsal cirri of the two types, often alternating –  longer (with around 40 articulations) heavily pigmented and shorter ones, without pigmentation; ventral cirri only weakly articulated, slightly shorter than the tip of parapodia, inserted basally. In mid-body chaetigers parapodia with 3 aciculae not protruding through integument, all with blunt rounded tip. Chaetae all compound falcigers, about 6 per fascicle; all with short, curved, distally unidentae blades, with serrated margins. Pygidium rounded lobe with 2 quite short (extending over the last 10 very crowded segments) articulated lateral anal cirri.

Remarks. Although FI specimen is in a good condition, assigning it to a named species is difficult due to taxonomic complexities in the absence of observation of proboscis. We are referring this species to subfamily-level morphospecies Syllinae sp. 1.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith