Glycera sp. 2

Glycera Lamarck, 1818

Glycera sp. 2

Voucher. SEA LION: station 46MFA, 64MFB and 57MFA.

Diagnosis. Voucher incomplete; small to medium sized species; the largest voucher with body 9mm long for 38 chaetigers. Mid- body segments distinctly triannulate. Long and slender conical prostomium consisting of indistinct rings; terminal ring with four appendages. Proboscis with two types of papillae, both with subapical tufts of cilia: 1. numerous long, slender digitiform papillae, lacking pigmentation, without obvious ridges (using light microscopy); 2. less numerous, isolated shorter and broader, digitiform papillae, lacking pigmentation. Terminal part of proboscis with four hook-shaped jaws arranged in a cross and accessory ailerons with triangular base (sensu Böggemann, 2002).

First two pairs of parapodia uniramous, following parapodia biramous. Two triangular to digitiform prechaetal lobes and one shorter, broad, distally rounded, somewhat truncated postchaetal lobe. Dorsal cirri oval to globular, positioned on body wall far above parapodial base. Ventral cirri short digitiform. Branchiae not observed.  Noto- and neuropodia each with a single acicula. Notochaetae slender, straight or weakly recurved capillary with serration one side. Neurochaetae compound spinigers with blades of different lengths, with serration one side. Pygidium uknown.

Remarks. Off Glycera species reviewed and described by Böggemann (2002, 2009) species with triangular aileron bases, tend to possess longer and slender digitiform  proboscidial papillae as well as shorter broad, ovoid papillae. However in Falkland Island specimens, both type of papillae are rather slender and conical, with the numerous type particularly long and slender as otherwise seen in Glycera tesselata.  However bases of ailerons of G. tesselata are deeply incised, not triangular. Species of Glycera commonly reported from the region - Glycera kerguelensis McIntosh, 1885 (considered synonym of Glycera capitata by Böggemann (2002)) has shown cryptic diversity in molecular analysis (Schüller, 2011; Brasier et al., 2016). Glyceridae reported from the region are clearly in need of a revision and we currently assign Falkland Islands’ specimens to morphospecies Glycera sp. 2.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith