
Caulleriella Chamberlin, 1919

Caulleriella sp.

Voucher specimen. 5005/902 ENV 1FB

Description. Body shape chaetigers expanding anteriorly then reducing in width at junction with abdomen. Dorsal tentacles in line with first branchiae.

Chaetae capillaries in thoracic region 3-4 chaetigers long. Modified chaetae appear on chaetiger 30 consisting of simple spines which become bidentate in subsequent abdominal chaetigers. Three to five modified spines in neuropodial chaetigers, sometimes with 1 short capillary.

MGSP. Complete bands in thoracic region associated with each segment.

Remarks. Specimens in poor condition so cannot be fully described but belong to Caulleriella as specimens posses distinct bidentate chaetae. There are a number of Caulleriella species recorded from the region so this brief description serves to indicate that this genus has also been recorded from the Falklands.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith