Paramphinome M.Sars in G.O. Sars, 1872
Paramphinome australis Monro, 1930
Voucher specimens. SEALION: station 40MFB; INFLEXIBLE: station 5MFB.
Diagnosis. Small species, 7.2mm with 37 chaetigers. Body short, gradually tapering, curled and brown colour in alcohol. Specimen with a distinctly ‘hairy’ look. Prostomium wider than long with rounded free edge slightly indented in the middle. 5 pars of antennae, two lateral, two on outer edge of lobe and a median one on the posterior edge of the prostomium. No eyes. Caruncle inconspicuous but composed of three longitudinal ridges, in some specimens extends back to anterior edge of second chaetiger.
Parapodia biramous, noto- and neuropodia separated. Dorsal and ventral cirri present, cirriform. Branchiae present from chaetiger 4, extending for a variable number of chaetigers depending on specimen size.
Notochaetae of chaetiger 1 with strongly curved hooks, 1-2 per fascicle. Other notochaetae comprised of spine-like capillaries and thin long chaetae with serrations on one edge. Neurochaetae composed of short bifurcating chaetae with short fork and serrated longer one, serrated thin capillaries, and thin long chaetae with long slender fork at base. Blunt-pointed lanceolate-like neuroacicula also present.
Remarks. Kudenov (1993) provides a more comprehensive description of this species together with taxonomic remarks. This species is recorded from Chile, South Georgia, Antarctic waters and the Falklands in depths of 128–3197 m.
Kudenov, J.D., 1993. Amphinomidae and Euphrosinidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) principally from Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and subantarctic regions. Biology of the Antarctic Seas XXII, pp.93-150.