Streblosoma sp. 1

Streblosoma Sars, 1872

Streblosoma sp. 1

Voucher. SEA LION: station 12MFB.

Diagnosis. Voucher specimen is medium-sized, incomplete specimen, 16mm long and 1mm wide; fragment with at least 18 thoracic chaetigers (total number cannot be established as specimen incomplete). Body segments wide, not crowded; body robust, cylindrical. Peristomium with reddish horizontal band form by many small eye spots. Segmental lobes absent. Branchiae present; 3 pairs; each composed of few simple, smooth filaments (1st pair with 5; 2nd with 4, 3rd with 3-4). Abdomen unknown. Pygidium unknown.

Notochaetae present from 1st branchigerous segment. Notochaetae long and short, very thinly bilimbate capillaries, with very long, slender tips. Uncini first clearly observed from segment 4; always in single rows; each uncinus avicular with one larger and one smaller tooth above the main fang in lateral view; basal prow moderately developed with elongate sub-terminal button separated from prow by distinct notch.  

Remarks. As total number of thoracic chaetigers (=species level character) cannot be established due to incompleteness of the material, this specimens is assigned to morphospecies Streblosoma sp. 1 until better specimens become available.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith