Nephtyidae Grube, 1850

Nephtyidae Grube, 1850

Overview of Nephtyidae species collected from Falkland Islands in this study.


Size (length)

Shape of prostomium

Branchiae (form)

Branchiae start from chaetiger

Branchiae distribution

Parapodia (form)

Form of dorsal cirrus

Nephtys cf. paradoxa

65mm for 78 ch. (complete specimen)

probably much wider than long (proboscis partially everted)

recurved, foliose


as foliose form until ch. 37, as conical lobe until about ch. 55, absent from last 20 ch


small, conical

Aglaophamus sp. 1

8mm for 23 ch. (incomplete)

rounded, about as long as wide



until end of fragment (=ch. 23)

unadorned (but erect, enlarged lobe above notopodia present)

slender, cirriform, can be up 1/3 of the length of corresponding branchia

Aglaophamus sp. 2

3mm for 20 ch. (incomplete)

rounded, about as long as wide



until end of fragment

(=ch. 20)

unadorned (but erect, enlarged lobe above notopodia present)

well developed, foliose with produced tip

Aglaophamus sp. 3

2.2mm for 16 ch. (incomplete)

somewhat rectangular, longer than wide


15 or past 16

very small on ch. 14-16, unknown thereafter (end of fragment)


very small conical

Aglaophamus posterobranchus

29mm for 53 ch (incomplete)

ovate, longer than wide



until end of fragment

(=ch. 53)

unadorned (but erect, enlarged lobe above notopodia present

very small, conical

Aglaophamus cf. foliosus

26-41mm for 65 and 75 chaetigers (complete)

rounded, about as long as wide


3 (tiny!)

absent from app. last 5 ch.

with very enlarged postchaetal lobes in neuropodia

very large, foliose with produced tip

Table of taxonomically important characters of Nephtyidae derived from parapodia

List of species in genus Aglaophamus described or recorded from the region with main diagnostic characters:

Aglaophamus erectanoides Hartmann-Schröder, 1965: inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 8-10; simple, unadorned parapodia.

Aglaophamus digitatus Hartman, 1967: inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 7; prolonged, ovate prostomium; unadorned parapodia (but erect, enlarged lobes above notopodia present).

Aglaophamus foliosus Hartman, 1967: inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 4; proboscidial papillae not branching basally; enlarged neuropodial lobes; foliose dorsal cirri.

Aglaophamus heteroserrata Hartmann-Schröder, 1965: inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 4; unadorned parapodia (but erect, enlarged lobes above notopodia present).

Aglaophamus groenlandiae Hartman, 1967: inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger abruptly from chaetiger 12; unadorned parapodia (but erect, slightly enlarged lobes above notopodia present).

Aglaophamus paramalmgreni Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1992: inter-ramal cirri form chaetiger 12 to chaetiger 31; unadorned parapodia (but erect, slightly enlarged lobes above notopodia present); proboscidial papillae not branching basally with 14 longitudinal rows of 7-8 papillae.

Aglaophamus peruana (Hartman, 1940): branchiae from chaetiger 3 (very small), enlarged neuropodial lobes; foliose dorsal cirri.

Aglaophamus posterobranchus Hartman, 1967: inter-ramal cirri form chaetiger 12 (variation reported 9-16), unadorned parapodia (but erect, enlarged lobes above notopodia present).

Aglaophamus polyphara  (Schmarda, 1861) inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 2; postchaetal neuropodial lobes enlarged, distally tri-lobed.

Aglaophamus virginis (Kinberg, 1865): inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 2; notopodial acicular lobe split; postchaetal neuropodial lobes enlarged.

Aglaophamus uruguayi Hartman, 1953 - ?

Aglaophamus trissophyllus (Grube, 1877) = (A. ornatus Hartman, 1967 is a synonym) inter-ramal cirri from chaetiger 2; proboscidial papillae branching; enlarged neuropodial lobes; foliose dorsal cirri.


Hartman, O. (1940). Polychaetous annelids. Part II. Chrysopetalidae to Goniadidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. 7(3): 173-287., available online at

Hartman, O. 1967. Polychaetous annelids collected by the USNS Eltanin and Staten Island cruises, chiefly from Antarctic Seas. Allan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology, 2: 1-387

Ravara, A., Cunha, M.R. and Pleijel, F., 2010. Nephtyidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from southern Europe.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith