Paraonidae Cerruti, 1909

PARAONIDAE Cerruti, 1909

Overview of Paraonidae collected from Falkland Islands in this study.
  Antenna Branchiae Modified neurochaetal spines Other distinctive characters
Aricidea assimilis sensu Strelzov, 1973 very long (up to ch. 6); often missing or regenerating (short) from ch. 4; easily broken off, anterior pairs just about meeting in the middle becoming very long posteriorly, last 1-2 pairs extremely short somewhat distally bidentate, with indistinct pubescence, often with short, thin arista arising from the convex side  
A. simplex very short (not reaching past posterior margin of prostomium) from ch.4; very short (extending half way to dorsal midline), last few about half that length heavy, distally curved spines, not aristate robust (wide) body, sometimes ventrum of anterior segments with pigmented horizontal lines
A. cf. ramosa short, branched, with up to 5 branches from ch. 4, anterior pairs just meeting at middle, getting longer posteriorly and then reducing in size again, the last pair short slender, straight or curved, bearing elongate terminal arista  
A. antarctica short, may appear bi-articulate from ch. 4, all pairs similar in length, just about meeting in the middle slender, gently some strongly bent, tapering to very fine arista  
A. cf. antennata very long (up to ch. 5) from ch. 4, not meeting at midline at the widest part of the body, reducing in size posteriorly, reaching the midline at the narrow part of the body thickened gently curved chaetae with long thin arista notopodial postchaetal lobes branched in some anterior segments
A. pisanoi of median length, reaching to ch. 3 from ch. 4, long digiform absent  
Levinsenia acutibranchiata absent from ch. 8, branchiae with sharp tips heavy spines, not aristate  
L. antarctica absent from ch. 7; 3-5 pairs, very short heavy spines, not aristate  
Cirrophorus cf. furcatus very short (not protruding beyond the prostomium) from ch. 4 absent preserved specimen red in colour, lyrate chaetae in notopodia from ch. 5
Paradoneis sp. 1 absent from ch. 4, 2-5 pairs absent lyrate chaetae in notopodia from ch. 6

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith