Euphrosinopsis antipoda Kudenov, 1993
Voucher specimen. ENDEAVOUR: station E6FA.
Diagnosis. Body short and fat, 2.5mm long with 13 chaetigers. Prostomium surrounded by anterior chaetigers, long and thin; with 5 antennae, four paired antennae on anterior of prostomium, short and digitform, median antenna slightly larger than others, in two sections, with short stout basal section and a longer slender terminal. Caruncle low, not raised, short, extending to chaetiger 4. A pair of relatively large eyes present, situated between chaetigers 1 and 2.
Parapodia biramous with dorsal, lateral and ventral cirri. Branchiae present from chaetiger 1, cirriform branched, up to three pairs per segment.
Chaetae consist of forked notochaetae, with serrated edge and distinct basal fork and ringent notochaetae with large widened tine and curved inner tine with small serrations, shaft with serrations. Neurochaetae similar forked chaetae to those in notopodia.
Remarks. Kudenov (1993) provided a full description of this species (as well as descriptions of other euphrosinid and amphinomid species known from the area) and we recommend this publication for further details. Previous records of the species were from Antarctic waters around the South Sandwich Islands, South Shetlands in depths of 302–641 m.
Kudenov, J.D., 1993. Amphinomidae and Euphrosinidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) principally from Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and subantarctic regions. Biology of the Antarctic Seas XXII, pp.93-150.