?Errano sp. 1
?Errano sp. 1
Voucher specimen. VINSON WEST: station 2MFB; INFLEXIBLE: stations 2MFB and 4MFA.
Diagnosis. Small fragmented specimen from ENV 2MFB 4.5mm in length with 31 chaetigers. Long ‘head’ with pyriform prostomium with a rounded pointed tip.
Maxillae II with six teeth distal interior edge without teeth and about a quarter the total length; max III with one elongated ‘tooth’.
Chaetae: simple multidentate, hooded hooks from chaetiger 1; geniculate limbates; yellow aciculae.
Remarks. The specimen is small and fragmented making identification difficult. The distribution and type of hooded hooks together with the superficial examination of the jaws suggests that this might be a species of Errano. Confirmation will require examination of more material.