Lumbrineris kerguelensis/cingulata Group
Voucher specimens. LOLIGO: station 14LFA; ENDEAVOUR: station10EFB; VINSON WEST: station 38 MFA.
Diagnosis. Specimen from 14LFA 6mm long with 19 chaetigers. Prostomium elongated, conical with a rounded tip. No eyes.
Chaetae–hooded compound hooks from chaetiger 1 to 10, simple thereafter. Limbate geniculate chaetae present. Aciculae yellow.
Remarks. The worms in the study are very small and isolating and describing the inner jaws is difficult. The species of this complex are in any case difficult to distinguish, requiring careful examination of the maxillae, the distribution of compound hooded hooks and their length to width ratio (see Orensanz, 1990, for a detailed discussion).
The other species complex which might be found in the area is the L. magalhaensis complex. The L. kerguelensis/cingulata Group can be distinguished by the longer more pointed prostomium whereas the L. magalhaensis complex has a short rounded prostomium. Distribution of the L. kerguelensis/cingulata Group is Antarctic to Magellanic Province with a depth range of 0–2864 m.