Capitellidae Grube, 1862
Capitellidae from the region are in need of revision. The species reported in existing literature often refer to those described from Northern Europe, Capitella capitata and Notomastus latericeus. Here we assign the specimens to morphospecies only. Material is often fragmented and better preserved specimens as well as molecular techniques will be needed to compare morphospecies described here.
Overview of species of Capitellidae collected from Falkland Islands in this study.
Body shape |
No. of chaetigers with notochaetae only |
Number of abdominal hooks per ramus |
Form of abdominal hooks (in profile) |
Capitella sp. 1
Overall slender: thorax wide, with chaetigers 5-6 widest (forming a “bump”; abdomen tapering abruptly, slender |
4 |
About 6 |
At least 3 denticles above main fang with wide gap between the main fang and first small denticles above it |
Capitella sp. 2
Overall slender: thorax wide, without a prominent “bump”; abdomen tapering gradually |
7 |
About 5 |
At least 6 denticles above main fang all closely together |
Capitella sp. 3
Overall robust: Body cylindrical, of nearly uniform width, abdomen only slightly tapering |
7 |
About 10 |
With many denticles above main fang all closely together |
Notomastus sp. 1 |
Overall robust: Body cylindrical, of nearly uniform width, abdomen only slightly tapering |
11 |
~40 in notopodia, many in neuropodia |
With relatively slender shaft, main fang closely surmounted by a series of very small teeth, with very short inflated, rounded hood |
Neomediomastus sp. 1 |
Overall robust: Body cylindrical, of nearly uniform width, abdomen only slightly tapering |
6 |
~14 |
With relatively slender shaft, series of very small teeth (no main fang apparent), with truncated hood |