Kinbergonuphis oligobranchiata (Orensanz, 1974)
Voucher specimen. LOLIGO: stations L2FA and L11FA.
Diagnosis. Relatively large worm, fragment 22 mm with 61 chaetigers. White but some specimens with brown peristomium with pale stripes across anterior segments. Anterior four chaetigers enlarged but not projecting forward. Ceratophores of antennae short, with few rings, almost smooth. Peristomial cirri on anterior border, long. Branchiae start on chaetiger 6 and become bifurcate by chaetiger 8.
Hooks on chaetiger 1 bidentate (some tridentate) with small hood, subacicular hooks starting on chaetiger 13–16, pectinate chaetae present but difficult to see.
Remarks. Orensanz (1990) reports that many of the taxonomic features are subject to ontogentic variation. This might account for differences observed in the FI specimens compared with the description. This species was previously recorded from the Argentinian slope and shelf at depths of 142–900 m.