Ophelina Örsted, 1843
Ophelina scaphigera Ehlers, 1900
Voucher specimens. Sea Lion: Station 50MFC; Easting 566485; Northing 4530300; 436 m. Station1 MFC; Easting 560514; Northing 4546307; 456 m.
Diagnosis. Large species measuring 1.5 mm wide, 21 mm long for 41 segments (Plate 3a.), colour in alcohol yellow. Body long, linear, with deep ventral groove, dorsal surface rugose and distinctly annulated (Plate 1c.). Prostomium conical (Plate 1b.), terminating in large palpode; with a pair of large reddish to brown nuchal organs. Branchiae present from chaetiger 2 (Plate 1b.), absent from last six chaetigers, all cirriform, large, only slightly reduced in size in the most posterior segments. The last 4 chaetigers not particularly short and crowded. Anal funnel scoop-shaped (Plate 1d.), with a ventral cavity and a pair of large cirri inserted ventrally and long, slender cirri encircling the rim of the funnel.
Remarks. In Falkland Islands material only two specimens were found showing all characters above, while several more damaged specimens were also observed. Damage was to the posterior region with branchiae generally missing after segment 20 (but a few could still be observed) as well as all cirri associated with anal funnel missing. The distinctive anal funnel on this species is very similar to that found on the widespread species Ophelina acuminata. Nevertheless, Ehlers (1900) erected A. scaphigera for the Antarctic species. While some authors (Elias et al., 2003) report O. cf. acuminata from 33-71 m off SE Brazil, most authors consider A.scaphigera to be a valid species at present. Until Ehlers types can be examined and compared with O. acuminata using both morphological and molecular approach, no further conclusions can be drawn.
Distribution. Antarctica, 20-3382 m, Southeastern Brazil, from 33-71 m, Falkland Islands 436456 mm.